Everyday Woman TV Network

Frequently Asked Questions

We are on Amazon fire, ROKU, Android TV, Apple TV, and mobile devices with a total of 19 streaming platforms.

Download on your smart TV, in your app store. Like you would HBO, Netflix or Hulu

Everyday Woman TV Network taps into a viewership of over 40 million potential viewers across all streaming platforms.

Aside from the streaming reach of 40 million potential viewers, Everyday Woman will market your show across all social media platforms.

Everyday Woman TV Network is on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest. Social media reach of over 300,000 followers where your show will be promoted and spotlighted.

As a TV host, you will receive Everyday Woman’s trademark media
training, including:

✔ How to create quality content for your audience
✔ How to maximize your presence and market your show
✔ How to create professional quality videos
✔ What to wear on camera to look your best
✔ How to create or source an intro/outro
✔ How to do simple editing of your video

You will also be a part of the exclusive Everyday Woman TV Facebook Community where you will have access to ask questions and receive up to date support and ideas etc.