The Big Girl Adventure Life Show is dedicated to inspire plus size confidence through adventure. The goal is to show that plus-size women can be adventurous and thrive in the outdoors. We believe that when we see more full figured woman represented in the adventure industry we’ll inspire more to get out of their comfort zone and find their right size adventure.
Big G.A.L is a safe space where you can freely share your own personal experiences, have relatable discussions with other like-minded women, and improve your self-development skills in all areas of your life.
My hope is that through videos and social sharing posts, plus size women everywhere will feel empowered as they embark on their own adventures into the world around them.
Join us as we feature Plus Size Adventurer Interviews, how-tos/tips, and reviews to get you inspired!
Plus Size, Confidence Coach, and founder of Go. Do. Be she creates community and inspires woman of size to find their Confidence through adventure.
Have a project in mind that you think we’d be a great fit for it? We’d love to know what you’re thinking